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​The Factors Biography


Singer song writer / Ambient SingerのSAKiと、Guitarist / Composerである Jody Tenkuにより2013年に結成。

エレクトリックとアコースティックなスタイルを縦横無尽に操り、ジャンルにとらわれない演奏スタイルと透明感ある暖かなアンビエン トヴォイスが織りなす極上のサウンドスケープが魅力。 旅をしながら訪れるその土地や、そこに日々の営みを持つ人々や空間のエネルギーを感じ取りながら、人々の心に問いかける愛とレヴェ ルミュージックをテーマにデュオからバンドセットまで、国内外を問わず街角のCafeからビッグフェスまで演奏を行っている。 


2022年7月より“Edenico Redenico Release Tour” と題し、5ヶ月間でフジロックを含む全国60ヶ所のツアーを成功させる。 

 近年ではアーユルヴェーダマッサージとアンビエントミュージックのコラボレーションを行うなど、 コロナ禍で人々が音楽や芸術から離れてしまったことを懸念し、音楽やアートを身近に触れて感じ、 五感を研ぎ澄まし感覚をヒライテゆくような場を護っていくため、2021年より活動の拠点であり、 日本のヒーリングミュージックの生まれた飯綱高原にある[Healing Music Lab. Iizuna OASIS]にて、 地元を始め各地ツアーをして出逢い繋がった縁のあるミュージシャンやアーティストを招き不定期でAmbient Party [Oasis Ambience]を主宰。 

 2023、24年 秋には、地元飯綱の有志たちによるKoshikake協同組合のメンバーとともに、[ Mori no Koshikake Music & Art Festival ]を主催ののち、シングル「Song of Water」をBandcamp限定 Release&Release Tour遂行。
2023年ドイツ音楽評論家賞受賞の故坂本龍一氏への追悼盤トリビュートアルバム『Micro Ambient Music』 に参加。
2024年2月 坂本龍一トリビュート展 [ Micro Ambient Music Festival ] 出演。 

今年秋にはRED EYES’ FILM “RECCA” へ[Song Of Water ] / [Feel (Remixed by Cutsigh)]の2曲を楽曲提供し、

いよいよ5年ぶりとなるTHE WESTERN US TOUR 2024へ。。



Formed in 2013 by SAKi (singer-songwriter/Ambient singer) and Jody Tenku (guitarist/composer), The Factors have been playing from small cafés to big festivals in Japan and abroad, focusing on the theme of love and rebel music that speaks to people's hearts. Jody Tenku’s virtuosic guitar and distinctive composition style and SAKi’s crystal yet warm, and beautiful yet soulful voice complement each other. Both acoustic and electric, as a duo or a four piece band, their superb genre-defying soundscape spans from relaxing ambient music to exciting music that is sure to get you moving.

While respecting the music and art of the previous generations, The Factors continue to stay prolific and keep reinventing themselves, always keeping the main theme of “love and peace” in their minds. 

Under the COVID pandemic, The Factors were concerned about people being disconnected from art and music. In 2021, hoping to create a safe and relaxing place where people can immerse themselves in art and music while expanding all five senses, The Factors started “Oasis Ambience” in their home ground of Iizuna Highlands, Nagano.
Also during the pandemic, The Factors released their fourth album Edenico in 2020 and its remix album Redenico in 2022. For five months, starting in July 2022, they took both albums on the Edenico Redenico Release Tour and played 60 shows around Japan, including Fuji Rock Festival 2022. 



​ Ambient Singer / Vocalist / Synthesizer 

​Jody Tenku Miyashita 

Guitar / Recording Engineer / Composer



生活の中に常に歌が ある日々を送る中、

8歳から洋楽を 歌うことに興味を持ち始め、


2013年よりGuitarist / Composer Jody Tenkuと結成した

The Factorsの ボーカリストとして日本各地、

そして 世界へと歌い奏で旅をする。

人が音楽と芸術に触れる場所を護 るべく、ヨガ、アーユルヴェーダ、絵、 香り、食、などのアーティストと音楽 でコラボレーションし、五感を潤し感 覚を開くための

自身のプロジェクト[Space Of Earthist]を地元である長野 Iizuna OASISにて定期開催する。

新潟、長野、東京の3カ所で自分という楽器で 自分自身を癒すボイスヒーリングセッションを開催。

身体の神秘とこの星や宇宙の真理 を感じながら 透明かつソウルフルな歌声で、 この星とすべての生き物たちへ そっと触れるように 歌い響かせ生きる、アンビエントシンガー/ボーカリスト。

古来より聖地とされている霊山 戸隠山、飯縄山に囲まれた大自然で育ち、日本人プログレッシブロック、ニューエイジ、
父(故 宮下富実夫氏)と60’-70’sサイケデリックヒッピーカルチャーど真ん中で育った米国籍の母の影響を受けて15歳の頃
1995年GROUND REVERSEを結成。同名義で2000年にリリースされたコンピレーションアルバム<響現>に参加。
父の死をきっかけに拠点を長野に移し、BIWA Studioを引き継ぎ神社仏閣に奉納演奏を行う活動の他、自身のレーベルStudio TENGAKUも立ち上げRecording&Mixing Engineerとしても活動している。
THE FACTORSの活動の他に不特定多数の録音集団<TengakuDUB>、SOLO名義の<JodyTenku> 、Electric Guitar Contrast Duo <Orcinus Orca>、528Hzチューニングをテーマとした<TENCOOJIN>など多数の名義で作品を世に出している。

Born and raised in Nagano which is rich in nature.

As a child, she started to sing when she heard her grandfather singing traditional Japanese songs.

While singing was always a part of her life, she became interested in singing Western music at the age of 8, and began her musical activities at 16.


In 2013, she formed The Factors with guitarist/composer Jody Tenku and traveled around Japan and the world singing and performing.

In order to protect places where people can experience music and art, she collaborates with artists of yoga, Ayurveda, painting, fragrance, food through music. She regularly holds her own project [Space Of Earthist] at Iizuna OASIS in Nagano, Japan, to cleanse and open the five senses for the clients. 

She also holds voice healing session at Tokyo, Niigata and Nagano to heal oneself with one's own instrument.

Being mindful of the mystery of the body and the truth of this planet and the universe, SAKi is a vocalist whose voice is ever clear and soulful as if it gently touches this planet and all the living things. 

Born in 1977.

He grew up in the great nature surrounded by Mt. Togakushi and

Mt. Iizuna, which have been regarded as sacred places since ancient times. Influenced by his father (the late Fumio Miyashita), a pioneer of Japanese progressive rock, new age, environmental music, and healing music, and his mother, a US citizen who grew up in the middle of

'60s-'70s psychedelic hippie culture, he began playing guitar and making tracks when he was 15.


In 1995, he formed GROUND REVERSE. In 2000, he participated in the compilation album "Kyogen" released under the same name. The following year, his 1st Album TENGAKU was released on SPEEDSTAR RECORDS.

After the death of his father, he moved his base to Nagano, took over BIWA Studio, and has been performing at shrines and temples as well as starting his own label, Studio TENGAKU, as a recording and mixing engineer.


In addition to THE FACTORS, Jody has also released solo works as Jody Tenku, as well as collaborative work as TENGAKU DUB, a group consist of numerous recording artists, ORCINUS ORCA, an electric guitar contrast duo, and TENCOOJIN, a band focused on 528Hz tuning known as “love frequency.”


Jody's sensibility and inspirations are based on the harmony and melody of the world, which are unchanged since ancient times, created by the earth and the sky, and all the lives between.

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