Jody Tenku Miyashita
Guitarist / Recording engineer / Composer

古来より聖地とされている霊山 戸隠山、飯縄山に囲まれた大自然で育ち、日本人プログレッシブロック、ニューエイジ、環境音楽、ヒーリングミュージックの草分けである音楽家の父(故 宮下富実夫氏)と60’-70’sサイケデリックヒッピーカルチャーど真ん中で育った米国籍の母の影響を受けて15歳の頃よりギターとトラックメイクを始める。
1995年GROUND REVERSEを結成。同名義で2000年にリリースされたコンピレーションアルバム<響現>に参加。翌年1st Album TENGAKUをSPEEDSTAR RECORDSにて発売。
父の死をきっかけに拠点を長野に移し、BIWA Studioを引き継ぎ神社仏閣に奉納演奏を行う活動の他、自身のレーベルStudio TENGAKUも立ち上げRecording&Mixing Engineerとしても活動している。
THE FACTORSの活動の他に不特定多数の録音集団<TengakuDUB>、
SOLO名義の<JodyTenku> 、Electric Guitar Contrast Duo <Orcinus Orca>、528KHzチューニングをテーマとした<TENCOOJIN>など多数の名義で作品を世に出している。
Born in 1977.
He grew up in the great nature surrounded by Mt. Togakushi and Mt. Iizuna, which have been regarded as sacred places since ancient times. Influenced by his father (the late Fumio Miyashita), a pioneer of Japanese progressive rock, new age, environmental music, and healing music, and his mother, a US citizen who grew up in the middle of 60's-70's psychedelic hippie culture, he began playing guitar and making tracks when he was 15.
In 1995, he formed GROUND REVERSE. In 2000, he participated in the compilation album "Kyogen" released under the same name. The following year, his 1st Album TENGAKU was released on SPEEDSTAR RECORDS.
After the death of his father, he moved his base to Nagano, took over BIWA Studio, and has been performing at shrines and temples as well as starting his own label, Studio TENGAKU, as a recording and mixing engineer.
In addition to THE FACTORS, Jody has also released solo works as Jody Tenku, as well as collaborative work as TENGAKU DUB, a group consist of numerous recording artists, ORCINUS ORCA, an electric guitar contrast duo, and TENCOOJIN, a band focused on 528KHz tuning known as “love frequency.”
Jody's sensibility and inspirations are based on the harmony and melody of the world, which are unchanged since ancient times, created by the earth and the sky, and all the lives between.
BIWA studio